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Why property shield?

  • Online enrolment zero paper work
  • Temporary accommodation costs for 24 months
  • Un-occupancy provision for 90 days
  • Reinstatement 100% of sum assured in case of total loss
  • Fire lighting, Explosion, Earthquake, Riots or Malicious acts
  • Fire brigade cost and other extinguishing expenses
  • Loss of fire extinguishing materials expended
  • Storm, Tempest and Flood
  • Aircraft or other aerial devices or articles dropped therefrom
  • Impact by vehicles watercraft locomotives or rolling stock
  • Strikes locked-out workers or persons taking part in labor disturbances
  • Architects, surveyor, consultants & legal fees
  • Debris removal and clean up

Download Mortgage Property Shield Insurance Plan here.

Download Property Takaful Plan here.


You can reach us using any of the following numbers

UAB Toll Free

800 474

International callers

+971 6 5987332

Sadara Toll Free

800 72 32 72

Sadara international

+971 6 5987333

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